What Happens When We Die?

Not much is known on this subject. As much as some people claim to have done it, no one, of the more than 100,000 million people who died in the history of humanity, has returned from the dead to tell in life what happens when the heart stops beating. Death is one of those enigmas that humanity has not been able to solve . What is known is the decomposition process that the body undergoes when it dies. That is, what is seen is known and can be verified by irrefutable evidence.

Most of the information that exists around death is beliefs . Different religions have different interpretations of death. They refer to heaven, for those who behaved decently in life, or hell, a place reserved purely and exclusively for sinners. But they also refer to reincarnation, a situation in which an organism rises from death and adopts the life of another being. Or that of the Egyptians, who mummified their pharaohsto give them eternal life. All these beliefs tend to prolong the existence of human beings, in different places and in different ways, but, ultimately, they deny the possibility that death means ceasing to exist completely. As none of this can be scientifically proven, all statements are reduced to mere beliefs, each one takes on the character of truth in relation to a certain community but in no way can they become universal.

Some Curiosities About Death

What is known about death is the order in which the human loses his senses. Sight comes first, then taste, smell, and touch. The last sense to be lost is hearing . It is also known as enzymes, allied to the person during life, begin to eat away at the body just three days after death. An interesting fact about the loss of life, which only occurs today, is that the body takes longer to decompose thanks to the preservatives in food. The body is also known to relax upon death, in such a way that the seminal vesicle is disturbed and ejaculations can be caused. Finally, there are many myths and beliefs about the sounds that the dead make, however, all this is due to the presence of methane gas in the coffins. In no way can this phenomenon be related to the presence of spirits or dead that return from beyond.

What Happens When We Die?

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